I fully understand that most of you don't want to be bored with 7+ minutes of Ford family photos....but if it's mid-night and you're having a hard time falling asleep--this MIGHT help!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Are you kidding me???

Posted by momof4dragons at 3:38 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
My Little Artist

Posted by momof4dragons at 2:39 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
Giving Thanks.

Posted by momof4dragons at 2:00 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
Merry Thanksgiving.......

Posted by momof4dragons at 8:20 AM 2 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Posted by momof4dragons at 7:01 PM 3 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Pre-Halloween Festivites

Posted by momof4dragons at 11:19 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A Fantastic Reunion
Posted by momof4dragons at 3:53 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
My "Top Gun"
Posted by momof4dragons at 6:43 AM 2 comments
Time marches on..
Posted by momof4dragons at 6:29 AM 1 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Posted by momof4dragons at 6:11 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Posted by momof4dragons at 8:22 PM 4 comments
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Back to School
Posted by momof4dragons at 8:19 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Blessed Assurance
Posted by momof4dragons at 9:12 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
At 12:28 this morning we watched as Rick's Dad took his final breath! How sweet it was, amidst all of our pain, to know that we watched him enter Heaven. Thank you for your sweet prayers and messages.
Posted by momof4dragons at 7:24 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Rick's Daddy
Posted by momof4dragons at 9:01 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Busy, busy, busy....
Posted by momof4dragons at 4:46 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Posted by momof4dragons at 10:56 PM 4 comments
Posted by momof4dragons at 10:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 28, 2008
I love having a 7 year old...
Posted by momof4dragons at 10:12 AM 3 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
Temples and Withdrawal...
My morning began with Piper tapping me on the shoulder saying, "Mommy, you look like you're going to have a baby!" (Note to self....re-enroll in Weight Watchers....NOW!!) She's mesmerized by all of the talk of babies lately. When I told her we're not having any more babies she just says, "Oh, mommy, you're such a kidder."
On to our next stop of the morning, I got to watch Corbin's eye doctor remove Corbin's splints from his eyes. If you've not had the pleasure of watching this procedure, trust me, you don't want to.
We went over to our neighbor's house to bid them farewell--as they're moving to NC. Our neighbor was giving us a "tour" of the house. As the lady and I chit-chatted along, I see her eyes get huge. She sternly said, "No, no that's a temple." "This is where I worship." Sweet little Piper thought this "temple" was a doll house and was swinging open the doors and windows. Truly, it did look like a doll house....an odd, black, spooky doll house. It kinda reminded me of the time when I washed out a bowl of "holy water" when I was in highschool babysitting.
And....now on to my children's behavior. What is it with summer and lousy behavior? They're not always disrespectful. They're usually the best kids ever. But because of their lack of respect, I took away their blankets. To some of you, this may not seem like such a big deal. But to my kids, this is the worst punishment....EVER!! To Corbin especially. He's in withdrawal. He's going on 3 days with no blanket. I kept finding him sobbing, in the fetal postition all day long. I think I may be paying for therapy in a few years for this.
Posted by momof4dragons at 8:48 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
She's here...
My first neice, Eden Michal, was born yesterday morning. I have 4 bruisin' lil' nephews, so it was about time another little girl made it into the family. She'll be spoiled with lots of bows, jewels, dresses, etc. Olivia and Jeremiah, the proud mama and daddy, made we wait for the name, too. They, along with Traci, are teaching me great amounts of patience. They actually changed the name once they got to the hospital. It was a rough delivery for Olivia, but she's recovering and resting peacefully at the the hospital. I haven't seen pictures of Eden yet, but my mom says she has dark curly hair on the back of her head, and lighter hair on the top of her head...mom says she looks like she has hi-lights. So...sweet little girl, welcome to this crazy world. We love you so much already! ***Just got some sweet pics of the happy family***
Posted by momof4dragons at 1:55 PM 2 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
My sweet hubby took the kids and I out to eat for lunch the other day. Our waitress came up to the table--wet hair, sloppy demeanor. The entire time she was getting our drink orders I stared at this long, strangly hair sticking to the front of her shirt. All I could think was that I really didn't want that hair in my water or on my salad. I figured once she went back to the kitchen to get our drinks another server would be nice enough to get that hair off of her shirt....But, no. She comes waltzing back to the table with our drinks....and that nasty, yucky, gross, wet strand of hair was still hanging off of her shirt. I couldn't handle it any more. I reached out, grabbed the hair, and threw it on the floor. I said, "I'm sorry. You had a hair on your shirt. I thought you'd want it off." She acted mad, offended, angry. She brought my salad out last--I'm sure that was because she was busy spitting in it and placing random hairs throughout the lettuce leafs. Rick was convinced we were having a "Seinfeld" moment, and I had to agree. So...my question is, what would you have done?
Posted by momof4dragons at 9:07 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I was fast asleep, dreaming of getting a full night's rest with no interruption. The kids were all nestled in their beds with visions of cocoa puffs dancing in their heads--apparently. At 3:30 in the a.m. Baylor tapped me on the shoulder. I cracked open my eyes to see who could be interrupting my perfectly wonderful night of sleep. Baylor stood there with a box of Cocoa Puffs. She was popping them into her mouth one at a time. When I asked what she was doing she sweetly said, "I'm saving the world one bite at a time." I laughed myself back to sleep. I have no idea how long she was up eating cereal, or how much she ate. I allowed my 3 year old who was "saving the world" free roam of the house in order to get back to that peaceful rest.
Posted by momof4dragons at 8:23 AM 4 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Life is never dull around our household. I guess it'd be too much for me to ask to have healthy kids for say....1 month in a row. We've transitioned nicely from whooping cough to strep throat....all 4 kids. Our doctor's office staff said they're going to start leaving our file on the counter--since we're in there every week.
I'm learning to "love" cleaning up vomit in the middle of the night....learning to not get completely grossed out when I step in a pile of vomit in the dark of night. You know the drill, girls. As disgusting as it is, I've sure had some sweet moments with my children during their illnesses.
One of my dearest childhood friends, Heather Rudy Erickson, lost her 29 year old brother to leukemia this week...what in the world am I complaining about??? I can most definitely deal with strep throat.
Tomorrow is Father's Day. I have Rick's whole family coming over for lunch. Rick was supposed to come home tonight from a trip, but his company had other plans and are keeping him until tomorrow night. So much for the surprise lunch, cake, gifts. Am I complaining again??
On a positive note, I found the greatest company. I bought several items from them, and can't wait to get more. They will custom print verses, sayings, children's names, anything.....you have to see it, it's too hard to explain. http://www.ezwordart.com/ And for my friends' with children...I found a miracle product. It's called Red Erase. You can buy it at Linen's and Things or online at http://www.evergreenlabs.com/ If you get red kool-aid, or anything red on your clothes, and spray this stuff on it takes it out. I haven't found any other products that work this well. There's my 2 cents, spend it wisely.
Posted by momof4dragons at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
My little "pony-girl"
Posted by momof4dragons at 9:03 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 30, 2008
$140 used to go a LONG way. A new outfit, purse, shoes, night out on the town, groceries (do you like how I prioritize??)....well now $140 fills up our beloved Brutis' gas tank. $140!!!! Gas is nearly $4 here. When we got married, just over 8 years ago, gas was still under $2 and people were freaking out that it may reach $2. Who wouldn't kill for $2 gas right about now? We heard on the news that it may go as high as $6 in the next year, or so. I may just have to buy a Prius (hybrid car) and strap the kids to the top....that couldn't be any more wrong than charging people $4-$6 for a gallon of gas.
Posted by momof4dragons at 4:11 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
Mother's Day
Posted by momof4dragons at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Who knew?
Silly me. I thought whooping cough was a thing of the past. Apparently not. Hudson, Piper, and Baylor all spent last week dealing with the affects of whooping cough. We were told, for 3 weeks, that it was just allergies. We had to isolate the kids--which meant no school, church, ball practice, swimming, etc. It was fun to have them home for a while. If you can't go to swimming lessons, and you don't have your own swimming pool, turning on the sprinklers works just fine. And, if you have left over "moving" tape, you can make bracelets to sell...as Piper did.
Posted by momof4dragons at 3:54 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Insanity Prevails......
Whoever gave USA Today's Oliver "Buzz" Thomas a pen to write and allowed him to pick topics such as "Might our religion be killing us" posted on April 21, 2008...is a MORON. I'm going to post part of the article he wrote. Bear with me, it's long, but for those of you who have multiple children, I think you'll be shocked too.
Is what we preach-and ultimately what we believe-hastening the destruction of our planet? The answer appears to be a resounding yes. So then what?
"Be fruitful and multiply," says the book of Genesis and Lord knows we have. To the tune of more than 300 million at home and more than 6 billion abroad. Bus as we go about the heavenly task of multiplying, a poignant question arises: Might our religion be killing us?
We all remember the Aztecs. Some say their religion, with its penchant for violence and human sacrifice, played a critical role in the destruction of their civilization. We moderns are far more sophisticated, of course, but if we persist with some of our religious practices, we could be heading down the same disastrous dog trot. Sort of a reverse Noah story. Noah is credited with saving humanity during the big flood. We could be the ones who get blamed for destroying it. (HUH???)
Here's why. The hundreds of scientists who make up the Intergovernmental Panel on the Climate Change warned recently that the environmental crisis is more dire than originally believed. We might have reached a tipping point. Even if we stop producing harmful greenhouse gases immediately, temperatures could continue to rise and ocean levels along with them for the next 1,000 years. How much? The IPPC says by as much as 11 degrees this century with a corresponding rise in ocean levels of nearly 2 feet. Other scientists, such as Britains James Lovelock, say it will be far worse and happen sooner. Both predictions portend drought, starvation and species extinction.
Hopefully, not ours. Of course, much of our environmental problem is due to overpopulation. There are simply too many people for the planet to sustain--at least the way we expect to be sustained. Each new person requires more food, water, and oxygen. At the same time, each is producing more carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and methane. For each additional human, planet Earth, and the rest of us, pays a price. The world knows where this is all headed.
Now, consider the Roman Catholic Church's continued opposition to modern birth control or the church of Jesus Christ latter-day saints encouragement of large families. This might not alarm you unless you realize that nearly one in every 5 humans is R. Catholic and that the Mormons belong to one of the fastest-growing religions in the Western Hemisphere....
In the interest of preserving our planet and our species, shouldn't religious organizations be encouraging smaller families? Do our spiritual leaders need additional divine revelation to realize that our current doctrines--which threaten take the entire world down with us--have become ethically and theologically questionable?
Population growth hits hardest in the poorest nations, and as poverty increases, public heath declines. I am quite certain that God is not the author of human misery. (No, you idiot, he gave us choice, and we created the misery all on our own!!) By preaching against birth control at the same time we are preaching against abortion, it seems that we're making God out as cruel, a buffoon, or both.
I recognize that religious organizations tend to be conservative institutions. Their continued resistance to equal rights for women and gays is a good example. A woman may be president of Harvard or speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, but in the largest religious organizations on the planet, women still can't get ordained as parish priests. It's even worse for gays and lesbians (guess he's never heard of Sodom or Gomorrah). All this is to say that religion often comes late to the party--sometimes kicking and screaming, as did most Southern churches on slavery and civil rights. Only this time, we can't afford it. Not when the fate of the planet might hang in the balance.
How should people of faith respond to this gathering of environmental storm??
First, we must stop having so many children. Clergy should consider voicing the difficult truth that having more than two children during such a time is selfish. Dare we say sinful? The average American might not listen to his elected representatives, but he darn sure listens to his pastor. Every week. This is a hard message for pastors to preach..., but w/o it we court disaster.
In addition, Americans should be having important policy debates as we anticipate a hotter, more hostile natural environment. Instead of providing tax breaks for having more children, shouldn't Congress be providing incentives for having fewer? ........It might be my belief that I should have as many children as God will allow, but if having additional children imperils my neighbor's ability to obtain food, water, or shelter, I need to think twice about it.
Oliver "Buzz" Thomas is a minister (ha, ha, ha, ha, ugh!!).........
First of all, if "Buzz" thinks the climate is getting hotter, he better seriously be preparing himself for a heat storm when he arrives on the doorstep of HELL and gets kicked in--for eternity. Second of all, the government IS already doing their part to control the population. Have you not noticed the price of gas, food, everything rising. We drive the biggest car imaginable....our humongous Ford Excursion. It fits our 4 children (oops, Buzz, did I have 2 too many??), their sports equipment, etc comfortably...but it also costs $130 to fill up. I'm sorry, but a family of 6 is not going to fit into a Hybrid--it's just not going to happen--until the ultra-fancy, ultra-expensive Cadillac Escalade is released next year. I propose, Buzz (and friends), that if each person alive is taking up too much air, that you be the first to offer to die for your neighbor. Rid the world of your absolute, idiotic ideology. Your values fit right in with Hitler, and Stalin. Sounds like you would enjoy living in Communist China.
I agree. Some people should probably not have children. Some people are too busy, yet still decide to have children. But for those of us who are taking the time to train up our children correctly, and who have the money to raise 4 kids we have every right in the world to have 4.
If my pastor dared to mention this in church (which I know he wouldn't), I would walk out and never return. Buzz, a "minister", has no clue what the Bible says.
The climate may be heating, recycle, recycle, recycle.....the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back and taking those of us who've asked Him to be our Lord and Saviour with Him. I hear Heaven has a perfect climate, and you never have to recycle...and you should see the number of children God has. Are you ready? You'd better be.
Posted by momof4dragons at 11:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
OK, guys, I'm usually not one to start warning people about things (usually because I don't know if they're true) but I know this is true....it's happened to me.
Most of you have read the scare-mail about the person whose kidneys were stolen while he was passed out. Well, read on. While the kidney story turned out to be an urban legend, this one is not. It's happening every day.
My thighs were stolen from me during the night a few years ago. It was just that quick. I went to sleep in my body and woke up with someone else's thighs. The new ones had the texture of cooked oatmeal. Who would have done such a cruel thing to legs that had been mine for years? Whose thighs were these and what happened to mine?
I spent the entire summer looking for my thighs. Finally, hurt and angry, I resigned myself to living out my life in jeans and Sheer energy pantyhose.
Then, just when my guard was down, the thieves struck again. My butt was next. I knew it was the same gang, because they took pains to match my new rear end (although badly attached at least three inches lower than my original) to the thighs they stuck me with earlier. Now, my rear complimented my legs, lump for lump. Frantic, I prayed that long skirts would stay in fashion.
It was two years ago when I realized my arms had been switched. One morning I was fixing my hair and I watched horrified but fascinated as the flesh on my upper arms swung to and fro with the motion of the hairbrush. This was really getting scary. My body was being replaced one section at a time. How clever and fiendish!!
Age? Age had nothing to do with it. Age is supposed to creep up, unnoticed, something like maturity. NO, I was being attacked repeatedly and without warning.
In despair, I gave up my T-shirts. What could they do to me next?
My poor neck disappeared more quickly than the Thanksgiving turkey it resembled.
That's why I decided to tell my story. I can't take on the medical profession by myself. Women of the world, wake up and smell the coffee.
That really isn't plastic that those surgeons are using. You KNOW where they are getting those replacement parts, don't you? The next time you suspect someone has had a face "lifted" look again. Was it lifted from you?
I think I finally found my thighs...and I hope that Cindy Crawford paid a really good price for them!!!
This is not a hoax. This is happening to women in every town, every night. Warn your friends.
P.S. I must say that last year I thought someone had stolen my breasts. I was lying in bed and they were gone! As I jumped out of bed I was relieved to see that they had just been hiding in my armpits as I slept. Now...I keep them hidden in my waistband.
Girls, after giving birth to 4 babies, just about every body part of mine has been "stolen." I hope that if nothing else, this makes you giggle. Thanks to my Aunt for passing this on.
Posted by momof4dragons at 3:39 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My birthday boy
Can you get any cuter?? Corbin, my happy-go-lucky, spikey-haired dude is turning 6 today.
Somewhere along the way, he started to believe that he actually grew taller (like several inches) and could run faster on the day of his birthday. Last year, he grew at least 5 inches on the morning of his birthday and he could run "so much faster." Well, this morning when I woke him up, his eyes popped open. He said, " Oh my goodness mom, my heads taller ....it's taller....it's taller." He was squeeling with delight because he was so much taller. Then he sprang out of bed and started running laps around the kitchen/dining rooms yelling "I love being 6!!" He loves being 6 b/c apparently he's "so much faster than when he was 5."
It's so cute that I cannot possibly tell him that he didn't grow any or run any faster. He doesn't believe in the ho-ho-ho Christmas guy, but he believes in this----so very cute!!
So, to my very fast, very tall, extremely handsome little Corbin...Happy 6th birthday.
Posted by momof4dragons at 1:18 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I'm turning into Martha....
Posted by momof4dragons at 9:58 PM 3 comments