Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Oh Christmas tree, oh christmas tree....

There's something completely wrong about it being 85 degrees on November 13th!! Regardless, I have 37 days until Christmas and it's time to decorate. I refuse to let Christmas "sneak up" on me again this year.

I have always loved decorating for Christmas. I remember, as a child, helping my mom and dad decorate our tree, the house, the yard. Such wonderful, fond, memories. I want to create that feeling of happiness and warmth for our children.

As we pulled the many, many Christmas boxes out of the attic yesterday, I watched as the children excitedly pulled their ornaments and special Christmas items out of the boxes. It was a magical moment for me....just watching them. For once, I didn't care that they were "messing up my system." I didn't care that they were rummaging thru the boxes....I just didn't care. Watching the twinkle in their eyes, seeing the joy in their made it all worthwhile.

We decorated the trees today...the magic continued. I let each child put their own ornaments on the tree.. I fought the strong urge to rearrange their ornaments in a more aesthetically pleasing way....I let them have fun. Just like my parents did with us. That poor angel of mine was probably never how my mom would've liked it, but she let me put it on top, nonetheless, each year without complaint.

I'm finally growing up, but I will always enjoy the magic of Christmas. Thank you Lord for sending us a Savior. Thank you for giving us Christmas. Not so that we could put up our trees, or so that we could give and receive gifts. But so that we could know the true magic of Christmas.....the true gift of Christmas, and pass that on to our children.

For those of you who will probably not be by the Ford household this Christmas-time, here are a few pictures. I miss all of you--especially at Christmas time!!